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Feedback, corrections is developed and edited by Kevin A. Kelly. This site and its database copyright © 2001-2024, Kevin A. Kelly (except for some BBC data which was supported by but is outdated since they stopped updating mid-2017).
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[HLS] BBC R5 Live (i)  1:06p- 3:00p  606 (BBC) (i)
[MP3] KBIA 3 (i)  1:00p- 3:00p  American Routes (PRX) (i)
[HLS] BBC R1 (i) 11:00a- 2:00p  BBC Radio 1's Dance Anthems (BBC) (i)
[MP3] ABC RN NSW (i)  1:05p- 2:00p  Blueprint for Living (ABC) (i)
[MP3] CBU-2 (CBC R1) (i)  1:05p- 2:00p  Day Six (CBC) (i)
[MP3] BBC WS News Internet (i)  1:32p- 2:00p  Digital Planet (BBC WS) (i)
[MP3] WFUV (i)  1:00p- 4:00p  FUV Music with Darren DeVivo (WFUV) (i)
[MP3] Folk Alley (i) 12:00n- 6:00p  Folk Alley (Folk Alley) (i)
[MP3] WYSU (i)  1:00p- 2:00p  Fresh Air Weekend (NPR) (i)
[MP3] KCRW (i)  1:00p- 2:00p  Good Food (KCRW) (i)
[MP3] KUT (i)  1:00p- 2:00p  Hidden Brain (i)
[MP3] WNYC-AM (i)  1:30p- 2:00p  How I Built This (NPR) (i)
[MP3] KQED (i)  1:00p- 2:00p  It's Been a Minute (NPR) (i)
[MP3] KKJZ (i)  1:00p- 5:00p  Jazz with Nick Tyler (KKJZ) (i)
[MP3] WCAI (i)  1:00p- 2:00p  Latino USA (NPR) (i)
[HLS] BBC R2 (i)  1:00p- 3:00p  Liza Tarbuck (BBC) (i)
[HLS] BBC R4 (i)  1:15p- 2:00p  Loose Ends (BBC) (i)
[MP3] KNOW (MPR News) (i)  1:00p- 2:00p  Moth Radio Hour (PRX) (i)
[MP3] Mountain Stage (i) 12:00n- 6:00p  Mountain Stage (NPR) (i)
[MP3] WRN English N America (i)  1:30p- 2:00p  NHK Radio Japan (NHK (Japan)) (i)
[MP3] KPCC (i)  1:00p- 2:00p  New Yorker Radio Hour (NYPR) (i)
[MP3] WBUR (i)  1:00p- 2:00p  On the Media (NYPR) (i)
[HLS] BBC R3 (i)  1:00p- 4:00p  Opera on 3 (BBC) (i)
[MP3] ABC R Australia (i) 12:05p- 4:00p  Overnights (ABC) (i)
[MP3] PRX Remix (i) 12:00n- 6:00p  PRX Remix (PRX) (i)
[MP3] WERN (WPR News) (i)  1:00p- 2:00p  People's Pharmacy (i)
[HLS] VOA English Global (i)  1:30p- 2:00p  Press Conference USA (VOA) (i)
[MP3] CBW (CBC R1) (i)  1:05p- 2:00p  Quirks and Quarks (CBC) (i)
[MP3] WBGO (i) 10:00a- 2:00p  Rhythm Review (WBGO) (i)
[MP3] CBL (CBC Music) (i)  1:00p- 5:00p  Saturday Afternoon at the Opera (CBC) (i)
[MP3] WBOI (i)  1:00p- 3:00p  Science Friday (NYPR) (i)
[MP3] WNYC-FM (i)  1:00p- 2:00p  Snap Judgment (PRX) (i)
[MP3] WUAL (i)  1:00p- 2:00p  Splendid Table (APM) (i)
[MP3] BBC WS Americas (i)  1:06p- 2:00p  Sportsworld (BBC WS) (i)
[MP3] WAMU 2 (Bluegrass Country) (i) 11:00a- 2:00p  Stiles of Bluegrass (WAMU) (i)
[MP3] KDAQ 2 (i)  1:00p- 3:00p  SymphonyCast (APM) (i)
[MP3] WAMC (i)  1:00p- 2:00p  TED Radio Hour (NPR) (i)
[HLS] BBC R6 Music (i)  1:00p- 4:00p  The Craig Charles Funk and Soul Show (BBC) (i)
[MP3] WUNC (i)  1:00p- 2:00p  This American Life (PRX) (i)
[MP3] KUNR (i)  1:00p- 2:00p  Wait Wait, Don't Tell Me (NPR) (i)
[aac+] KHPR (i)  1:00p- 4:00p  Weekend Edition Saturday (NPR) (i)
[MP3] CBLA (CBC R1) (i)  1:30p- 2:00p  White Coat, Black Art (CBC) (i)
[MP3] WAER (i)  1:00p- 5:00p  World Cafe (NPR) (i)
[MP3] WXPN (i) 10:00a- 2:00p  XPN Middays (WXPN) (i)
[MP3] XPoNential R (i) 12:00n- 6:00p  XPoNential Radio (WXPN) (i)

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Favorite Stations
[MP3] WBUR (i)
[MP3] WNYC-FM (i)
[MP3] WBGO (i)
[MP3] WXPN (i)
[MP3] WBEZ (i)
[MP3] KSJN (MPR Classical) (i)
[MP3] KUOW (i)
[MP3] KQED (i)
[MP3] KCRW (i)
[MP3] CBLA (CBC R1) (i)
[HLS] BBC R2 (i)
[HLS] BBC R4 (i)
[MP3] BBC WS News Internet (i)
[MP3] ABC R Australia (i)

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Favorite Programs
Morning Edition (i)
All Things Considered (i)
Fresh Air (i)
This American Life (i)
Car Talk (i)
Wait Wait, Don't Tell Me (i)
Le Show (i)
World Cafe (i)
Newshour (i)

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[MP3] CBC newscast
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ABC (Australia), ABC Radio

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